Beth Messiah Messianic Congregation
New Jersey 15 North Livingston Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039Details
Beth Messiah is a Messianic Jewish Congregation located in Livingston, New Jersey. We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth is the Messiah promised in the Jewish Bible for both Jews and Gentiles.
Beth Messiah Congregation was established in 1983 and has always been known as a place where both Jews and Gentiles gather together for joyful worship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word. While we are an independent congregation, we have friendly relationships with many other Messianic Jewish groups and with those churches which have a positive regard toward the Jewish People....
We invite you to explore our site, see the photos of our activities, and check our schedule of Special Events. Most of all, we invite you to visit Beth Messiah. We meet at 15 North Livingston Ave, corner of Route 10. Our weekly Shabbat service is held Saturday mornings at 10:30 A.M. It consists of joyful praise and worship, the reciting of the Shema and other heartfelt Hebrew liturgical praises, a reading and explanation from the weekly Torah or Haftarah portion, and a teaching from God's Word. Afterward, we set out a Kiddush table with refreshments to encourage fellowship. We also offer classes for children through age 12, a teen program, and a supervised nursery.
Main Service Saturday, 10:30 AM, at 15 North Livingston Av, cor. of Route 10.
- Beth Messiah Congregation P.O. Box 69 Livingston, NJ 07039
- 973-994-4431