Hoshana Rabbah Messianic Community

Oregon Tigard, OR


We are a community of born-from-above Believers in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) endeavoring to rediscover the Hebraic roots of our faith (as modeled by the first-century—New Testament—Believers) who practice a Torah obedient lifestyle with the joy, power and gifts of the Set-Apart Spirit of Elohim (God).

We believe that a great move of the Almighty YHVH Elohim is afoot on the earth today bringing about “the restoration of all things” before Messiah can return (Act 3:21). This involves the Jews coming to know Messiah Yeshua—the Living Torah—and Christians returning to YHVH's instructions in righteousness—the Written Torah, and all becoming one in Yeshua who was/is the Torah (Word) of YHVH made flesh.


Note: We are no longer gathering as a congregation for Shabbat Services. After 18 years, Natan & Sandi are retiring from pastoring Congregation Elim and hosting feast celebrations.
We will continue providing the website ministry, blog, Scripture reading schedules, and calendars. Our attention will now focus on updating the Torah Studies, Torah Explorers, articles and website, continuing to share these materials and resources without charge.

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  • Tigard, OR
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Nathan & Sandi Lawrence
