Kerem El Messianic Synagogue

Florida 2900 S. Jenkins Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34988-0516


Kerem El is a place that seeks to provide a loving and secure environment for all who seek a vibrant and personal relationship with HaShem (G-d), and desire to become am hakodesh, a holy people.

We believe in the one true G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and support the nation of Israel.

We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah as presented by the prophets of old in the Tenakh (Hebrew Scriptures.) He is the Hope of our Jewish people as described in the Brit HaChadashah (New Covenant Scriptures.)

We, as a Messianic Jewish congregation, gather together for worship, study, and fellowship as an expression of the Jewish roots of our faith.

Our order of service incorporate Davidic praise and worship with elements of traditional liturgy that were present even in Biblical times. We are blessed to see our synagogue as a house of prayer for both Jew and non-Jew (Isaiah 56:7-8.)

I trust that you will feel at home with our mishpocha, family, and I encourage you to express your needs.


Note: All Biblical Hebrew, will be every Saturday.

Shabbat Morning: 9:00 A.M - 10 A.M

Prayer: 8:30 A.M to 9:00 A.M
Shabbat Service: 10:30 A.M.
Torah Study:1:30 P.M.

Every 1st Saturday of the month we have a Shabbat Rishon Service at 10:30 a.m. followed by Oneg (luncheon).

  • Kerem El Messianic Synagogue, P.O. Box 880516, Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34988-0516
  • 772-621-7812

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  • Florida
  • 2900 S. Jenkins Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34988-0516
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Contact Kerem El Messianic Synagogue

Additional Details

Rabbi Yaacov Zamstein
International Alliance of Messianic Congregations & Synagogues
